类型 综合 领域 体育


7月7日,在美国女子国家队周日以2比0击败荷兰队赢得第四届世界杯冠军后,作为赞助商的耐克公布了一则视频广告《Never Stop Winning》,来祝贺女足获胜。

以2:0战胜荷兰的美国女足成功卫冕,并创纪录第四次夺冠。刚刚度过自己34岁生日的美国队队长Megan Rapinoe在引领球队夺冠的同时,个人也一并拿下金球奖和金靴奖!她们是第一支连续三次进入决赛的球队。这场胜利也使他们成为除德国队外,唯一一支连续两次获得冠军的球队。



I believe我相信

I believe  that我相信着

I believe that we我相信我们

I believe that we will be four-time champions and keep winning 我相信我们会夺得四次冠军,并且继续获得胜利

until we not only become the best female soccer team, 直到我们不止成为世界上最好的女足队

but the best soccer team in the world.更是世界上最好的足球队

And that a whole generation of girls and boys will go out and play 然后这一代所有的女孩和男孩们都将出门玩球

And say things like “I want to be like Megan Rapinoe, when I grow up,”并且说:“我长大也要成为队长梅根·拉皮诺埃那样的人”

And that they’ll be inspired to talk and win and stand up for themselves他们会被激励着去发声、去获胜、去自强

And I believe that we will make our voices heard 我坚信我们的声音会被听见

And TV shows will be talking about us every single day and not just once every four years电视节目里会不断地谈论着我们,不只是四年一次,而是每一天

And that women will conquer more than just the soccer field不仅在球场,女性将在更多地方获胜

Like breaking every single glass ceiling and having their faces carved on Mount Rushmore比如打破每个隐形的天花板、比如把她们的脸刻在美国总统雕像山上

And that we will keep fighting not just to make history, but to change it forever.我们会继续战斗,不为了创造历史,而是为了永远地改变历史

This team wins. Everyone wins.这支球队赢了。所有人都赢了。
